Mamoru Nagano Official Website

Course Title国際金融論II/金曜2限/横浜市立大学
【注1】横浜市立大学の講義資料はMS Teamsから入手してください
【注2】早稲田大学の講義資料はMy Wasedaから入手してください
DescriptionThis course is designed to develop participants' ability to understand international financing theories and practices in financial and capital markets using big data in finance. Participants will analyze and discuss the theories and practices in this field through python programming and understand how to input python source codes to express these international financing theories. By analyzing the case studies of successful and unsuccessful economic policy coordination across countries in the post-crisis period, participants will be able to understand the diplomatic relationship based on the international financial system.
GoalsThe goal of this course is not only to understand the determinants of international capital flows and exchange rate mechanism, but also to compare the diversified domestic equity and debt security markets.
TextbookP. R. Krugman / M. Obstfeld, International Economics 9th eds., Addison Wesley
Course MaterialsFor enviromental conservation, this course does not distribute paper-based handout.Students must download course materials from the below web-site prior to the class every week.The password will be informed at the first class of this course.
AssessmentClass Participation & Contribution 40 percent
Term Paper 60 percent
Final Examination 0 percent
1st week/ 国民所得勘定および国際収支(教科書13章)IF2024-1
2nd week/ 為替レートと外国為替市場(教科書14章)IF2024-2
3rd week/ 貨幣・金利・為替レート(教科書15章)IF2024-3
4th week/ 物価水準と長期的な為替レート(教科書16章) IF2024-4
5th week/ 短期的な算出と為替レート(教科書17章) IF2024-5
6th week/ 固定相場制と外国為替介入(教科書18章) IF2024-6
7th week/ 国際金融システム:歴史のおさらい(教科書19章)IF2024-7
8th week/ 中間まとめIF2024-8
9th week/ 金融のグローバル化:機会と危機(教科書20章)IF2024-9
10th week/ 最適通貨圏とユーロ(教科書21章) IF2024-10
11th week/ 発展途上国:成長・危機・改革(教科書22章)IF2024-11
12th week/ 外国直接投資の分析(教科書13章appendix)IF2024-12
13th week/ 国際証券投資の分析(教科書13章appendix)IF2024-13
14th week/ 2024年度まとめIF2024-14
